Advantages of sampled data control system

Answer: -
Sampling data ensures convenience, comprehensive data collection, applicability in limited resources, and improved rapport. Sampling data has several other benefits as well.
Low sampling cost: -
The cost of collecting data for the entire population would be prohibitive. As a result, if data is collected for a sample of the population, the cost will be cheaper, which is a significant advantage.
Less time spent on sampling: -
Sampling also saves time. It takes less time than the census method. A sample takes far less time to tabulate, analyse, and so forth than a population.
The scope of sampling is broad:-
The investigator is worried about data generalisation. It would be impractical to research an entire community to make broad generalisations. Some populations are so huge that it is impossible to measure their characteristics. The population would have changed by the time the measurement was finished. However, by analysing the variables within a relatively small part of the population, the sampling procedure allows generalisations to be made.
Data accuracy is excellent: -
After drawing a sample and computing the appropriate descriptive statistics, the stability of the sample value can be determined. A sample is a representation of the population chosen.
Convenient organisation: -
There are very few organisational issues with sampling. Because the sample is so small, no large facilities are necessary. As a result, sampling is cost-effective in terms of resources. Sample analysis necessitates less space and equipment.
Data that is both extensive and in-depth:-
In sample studies, just a small number of people are measured or observed. As a result, extensive and detailed data is gathered.
Appropriate for restricted resources: -
An organization's resources may be limited. It is not possible to study the entire cosmos. Sampling can provide adequate coverage of the population. When resources are scarce, sampling is an effective approach for performing marketing research.