Adverse effects of education on physical labour,family relations,dress/fashion
Education by itself does not have any
adverse effects. It is the misuse of education by bad persons that
results in adversity. Education imparts skills and knowledge but not
wisdom and good nature. These have to be present in the person or inculcated
in the person by some other means. Education is making a person to think that what he thinks is right. He wants others to adjust to him rather than he adjust to the society.
All educated people expect jobs in the urban areas only. Now no educated person stays back in the villages. Educated persons are able to cheat the illiterate poor villagers in regards to their properties, facilities from the government, etc. Educated persons do not want to do physical labour based jobs. So the number of people who do physical labour is reducing. This escalates costs. More machinery will be required to complete works.
Some persons become too proud, stubborn, adamant because of
education and not have any good attitude towards poor and suffering people.
They may not care or respect their own elders. Educated people do not want to stay together with other members of family. They want to make independent decisions. Usually the family relations in educated world are cordial and at a distance. Often education makes youth to think that they know what is best for them. So they may ignore the best advices given by elders who are really their well wishers.
Educated persons want to change living style, talking style, clothes and their wearing style. Often educated person may think of fashion as some thing not traditional and being imported or some thing crazy. Fashion means doing unorthodox way. They may ridicule the ways of living and culture of local people. But the local culture is developed over thousands of years through wise decisions made by people.
Education without cultural, moral and ethical education is not good and it will have side effects.
“The more educated the person is the more humbler he should be”. Education by itself does not have any adverse effects. It is the misuse of education that results in adversity. Education indeed is helpful for a person to evolve not only as an intellectual but also as a great individual. Education only imparts skills and knowledge but it gives an individual the wisdom to acquire a good nature. This has to be present in the person or inculcated in the person by some other means. The more educated the person Is the more humbler he should be. But these days that is missing because education is giving more pride to a person rather than wisdom. Educated individuals are more conceited and try to acquire superiority. They feel they have few standards/boundaries which have to be reached.
For suppose an educated person would be shun to physical labour because he feels it is humiliating for him to do something which most probably an illiterate would be doing though his conscious brain is telling him that his conception is wrong. A literate individual tries to change his way of speaking, body language, dressing sense according to the so called trend/fashion. They feel that they are superior to poor and uneducated people and many a times have bad attitude towards them. They often tend to not respect orthodox practices and family relationships. In the long run trying to cope up with all these so called responsibilities of being educated they are inclined to forget and disrespect their parents and elders who are the core reason for them to be in the position that they are in now. Not all educated people are like this. They do not do this intentionally also. The artificial boundary that the society has drawn makes them do all this.
Education without cultural, moral and ethical education is not good and it will have side effects.