Affinities of Echinodermata
The affinities among larval phases of echinoderms exhibit transformative connections among various classes. Notwithstanding, a similar relationship can't appear in the cladistic characterization of echinoderms, which depends on grown-up qualities. Grown-ups are exceptionally altered life forms in echinoderms.
In echinoderms eggs and sperms are discharged in water and preparation happens in water shaping zygote. Echinoderms are deuterostomes and subsequently, cleavage is spiral, holoblastic and vague. The hatchlings bring forth in water and nourish and develop through progressive larval stages to become grown-ups.
The hatchlings of echinoderms are reciprocally balanced yet lose evenness during transformation. Various classes of echinoderms show basically unique larval stages and their correlations can uncover their transformative family.
● Affinities of echinodermata -
Echinoderms show affinities with Annelida, Brachiopoda & Chordata.
# Affinities with Annelida -
Ciliated bands
# Affinities with Brachiopoda -
Coeblastula is seen
Holoblastic cleavage
Enteroceolus coelom
Free-swimming larval stage
# Affinities with Chordata -
Skeletal system mesodermal origin
Nervous system is infra-epidermal
Enteroceolus coelom
Arginine phosphate & creatine phosphate
Radial holoblastic cleavage