English, asked by kapoorekta913, 1 year ago

African Bushmen have a legend that tells of the God Thora who took a dislike to the Baobab
(3) There are only three months of rain in a year. So the Baobab spreads its roots wide and collects as
(1.2 Marks)
d) How and
9.2 Answerth
(1) The Baobab tree, which is among the largest and longest living trees on earth, is also one of its most
arid savannah close to the equator. The tree, which can grow up to 30 metres in height, has a very
strange appearance. It has an enormous, thick bulbous trunk and stunted branches that look like
gnarled roots spreading wide. The branches are bare for nine months of the year, since the tree puts
out leaves only twice a year, for a few weeks at a time when the rains come to the plains. Thus the
Baobab tree, for most of the time, looks as if it has been pulled out of the ground and stuffed back in
The tree's unusual appearance has given rise to many interesting folktales about its origins.
(9) Read the following passage carefully.
upside down!
(a) The word
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a bar
(b) Find a
unusual and remarkable trees. A native of Africa, it has flourished for thousands of years in the
(e) "The w
(d) Whic
Aust be
growing in his garden. He tossed it over the wall of paradise to Earth below, and although it landed
upside down, it continued to grow!
as if
much rainwater as it can. Then it stores the water in its bark and lower trunk for use during the dry
months. Bushmen, and even elephants wandering through the desert extract water from the pulpy
fibre when there is drought.
The leaves of this tree resemble an outstretched hand with open fingers. Its large flowers are white
and bell-shaped and open only at night. The tree produces an edible, gourd like fruit called "monkey
bread", which is a favourite with baboons. This fruit has the highest concentration of vitamin Cof
any plant.
(5) The Baobab is a friendly nurturing tree and creates its own eco-system as it supports the life of
countless creatures from the largest of mammals to the thousands of tiny creatures scurrying in
and out of its numerous crevices. Baobabs may live up to 3000 years! There are trees alive today
that were growing when the Roman Empire ruled Europel Baobabs are very difficult to kill. Even
when burnt, they will form new bark and keep on growing, When they do die, they simply rot from
the inside and suddenly collapse, leaving only a heap of fibres. These majestic trees are revered by
the people who live with them. In Africa, old Baobabs are given names, and each name begins with
the word 'mother', for in the tough savannah grasslands the great Baobab is a mother of life,
symbolising endurance, conservation, creativity and ingenuity
Santhini Govindan; The Hindu (Modified)​


Answered by abdan787821


About Bushmen


The 'Bushmen' are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, where they have lived for at least 20,000 years. Their home is in the vast expanse of the Kalahari desert. ... Bushmen are small in stature generally with light yellowish skin, which wrinkles very early in life.

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