After all we framed the constitution........Of 1935 because we thought it the best way...To hold india to the empire?
rooted in the principles of self-selection subject to financing constraints. Secondly,
EGS has been touted as an employment oriented approach to anti-poverty, policy-
making such a guarantee alone has never implied universal elimination of
unemployment. The effectiveness of EGS can be gauged is the ease of access to such
programs. Lastly, employment guarantees have also been credited for their potential
to induce positive labor market responses by improving the bargaining strength of
workers. The usefulness of an EGS also depends on the extent to which the
introduction of such contestability matters. Naturally, this final dimension of an EGS
becomes relevant particularly in an imperfectly competitive labor market and should
be expected to have no efficiency enhancing impact when a perfectly competitive
framework is the relevant starting point. What is important to note is that in both rural
and urban labor markets, there is evidence of market outcomes consistent with
imperfect competition and market power (Manning 2005). Once these three
individual building blocks of an EGS are spelled out, the question of a need for an
official commitment to employment guarantees acquires added meaning.
Ambasta and Shah (2008) expressed, Poverty alleviation programmes have
been designed from time to time to enlarge the income-earning opportunities for the
poor. These programmes are broadly classified into:
a) Self-employment programmes
Creating self-employment opportunities began with the introduction of the
IRDP in 1978-79, TRYSEM (1979), DWCRA (1982-83), supply of improved toolkits
to rural artisans (1992) and the Ganga Kalyan Yojana (1996-1997). To remove
conceptual and operational problems in the implementation of these programmes, a
holistic programme covering all aspects of self-employment such as organisation of
the poor into SHGs, training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing called
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), was started on April 1, 1999. Based