After spending 27 years in
prison, who among the
following became the president
of his country on May 9, 1994?
Nelson Mandela becomes president
Nelson Mandela.
This person is none other than former South African President Nelson Mandela. He spent 27 years in prison in the struggle against apartheid but neither did he ever give up, nor let his supporters agree.
Nelson Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mervazo, Transki, on the banks of the Basa River in South Africa. People used to call him Madiba affectionately. He is also called Gandhi of Africa. Mandela was the President of South Africa from 10 May 1994 to 14 June 1999. He was the first black president of Africa. His government did a lot of work to end the policy of apartheid that had been going on for years and to take it out of the soil of Africa. He ushered South Africa into a new era.
Mandela's contribution to eradicate apartheid can be gauged from the fact that in his honor, in 2009, the United Nations General Assembly declared his birthday on 18 July as 'Mandela Day' (Nelson Mandela Day). It is even more special that it was announced as soon as they were alive.