History, asked by ammulu66188, 6 months ago

after the death of Aurangzeb his successor were known as later mughals
1 why we have less information about price
ans tribes live in remote area example lives in deep forest so that we have difficulty to reach and know about it tribes do not like to share their information with others they do not maintain written records
2) the two powerful tribes
ans ahoms, Gonds
3) Assam previous name
ans kamarupa
4)three of the largest provinces to become the independent where award Bengal and
ans Hyderabad
5) Shivaji captured many forts using the what war
ans guerilla


Answered by lilidey81


The Mughal Empire was vast and extensive in the beginning of the eighteenth century. But by the close of the century it had shrunk to a few kilometres around Delhi.

After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, a war of succession began amongst his three surviving sons, Muazzam – the governor of Kabul, Azam-the governor of Gujarat, and Kam Baksh-the governor of Deccan.

Azam turned to Ahmednagar and proclaimed himself emperor. Kam Baksh too declared himself the sovereign ruler and conquered important places as Gulbarga and Hyderabad. Muazzam defeated both Azam at Jajau in 1707 and Kam Baksh near Hyderabad in 1708. Muazzam emerged victorious and ascended the Mughal throne with the title of Bahadur Shah I. He was also known as Shah Alam I.

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