Again wid a blst
How,When, Where... we use Many other, Most other, Very few,No other....
Its whole confusing how to use plss clear me this....
Hey there !
Framing a Wh question ?
Here are few things you should know
1. What : to tell what happened in the sentence . to tell the occupation of the subject.
Ex. His uncle is a journalist { underline journalist }
= What is his uncle ?
Tea is a {popular drink. }
= What is tea ?
2. Who : when subject underlined { only used for humans }
Ex. Arjun is standing there { underline Arjun }
Who is standing there ?
3. Which : when subject ( animal , non living) is underlined
ex. {Koyna} is the biggest dam in india
= Which is the biggest dam in india ?
4. When : day , date , year , time underlined
ex. They will explain it on { Monday }
= When they will explain it ?
5. Where : place is underlined
ex. The rabbit was { in the snare }
= Where was the rabbit ?
Why : reason of the action
ex. He was punished { for disturbing the class }
= Why was he punished ?
How : how the action took place .
ex. It was a { dangerous task }
= How was the task ?
Whom/ To whom : when someone is referred .
ex. ( running short of examples ..... hmmm) I met { an army general } in the garden .
= Whom did you meet in the garden ?
Bonus information for framing a Wh question : rule :
Wh word + auxillary verb + subject + the remaining sentence ( leaving the underlined words )