against from reservation
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Caste-based reservations are misused by the ‘creamy layer’ in SC/ST because this layer with its access to better coaching, education in good schools etc sport the ‘dalit’ tag and grab the quota seats (although they do not need them) and prevent really under-privileged (poor) SC/ST from getting the benefits of reservation. The most prominent example is Tina Dabi, the 2017 IAS ‘topper’ who being the daughter of two gazetted rank govt/PSU officers could hardly be called socially backward or under-privileged. Yet she used her SC reservation to grab an IAS seat denying it to a truly under-privileged SC candidate. So it is time to implement a ‘creamy layer’ bar on caste-based reservation even for SC/ST.The second reason derives from the above. Caste -based reservations have NOT been able to improve the lot of SC/ST despite being around for 70 years now. So it may be time to try something else now like income-based reservation .They say the SC/ST were ‘oppressed’ for thousands of years in the past. Agreed ! but does that mean that a counter-oppression of non-SC/ST people for thousands of years is called for by denying them an equal opportunity to compete? Is it ok to punish people for something which may have been done by their ancestors?Caste-based reservations bolster and re-inforce the caste identity far from eliminating it. Today a person from the SC/ST does not want caste to be done away with because caste means advantages in the for of reservations. So caste - based reservations have become the new caste system.SC/ST have been asking for reservations rather than for upliftment. had the aim been upliftment, educational scholarships/grants and other forms of aid would have been more in order than reservations. It is like a group of kids where one kid cannot jump as high as the others to reach a shelf (on which sweets are kept). What if the kid whho cannot jump were to be given the sweets without jumping? Would he/she ever be motivated to try to jump? What should be done is to train up the weak kid, give it a better diet and finally make it capable of jumping. What resrevations are doing is to make the weak kid want to love and cling to his/her ‘weak’tag
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If you call yourself a worthy human being,you will have empathy and compassion for your fellow country men. Otherwise you can live like animals with free will and bring back the rules of Jungle,the stronger will eat the weaker and Fittest will survive.And also Majority will have the upper hand over Minority even if minority is right. These things are against Rule of Law in India.
If you believe in the concept of Rule of Lawand if you believe in Social contract theory you have to help out the weaker section of society through Reservations. But if you want to finish the reservation,then please end the Caste Discrimination and Atrocities first.
Please use your energy to end the Caste discrimination rather than finishing Reservations because Caste discrimination came first and Reservation was the solution to end Caste inequalities.
If you believe in the concept of Rule of Lawand if you believe in Social contract theory you have to help out the weaker section of society through Reservations. But if you want to finish the reservation,then please end the Caste Discrimination and Atrocities first.
Please use your energy to end the Caste discrimination rather than finishing Reservations because Caste discrimination came first and Reservation was the solution to end Caste inequalities.
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