English, asked by Tikeshwarsahu, 10 months ago

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common link of friendship was snapped., My grandmother accepted
her seclusion with regisgation. She rarely left her spinning wheel to
talk to anyone. From sunrise to sunset she sat by her wheel spinning
and reciting prayers. Onyl in the afternoon she relaxed for a while to
feed the sparrows. While she sat in the verandah breaking the bread
into little bits. hundreds of little birds collected round her creating a
veritable bedlam ofchirrupings. some came and perched on her legs,
others on her shoulders. some even sat on her head. She smiled but
never shooed them away. It used to be the happiest half hour of the
day for her.
When I decided to go avroad for further studies, I was suremy
grandmother would ve upset. I waould beaway for fice years, and at
her age one could never tell. but my grandmother could. She was not
even sentimental. She came to leave me at the railway station but did
not talk or show any emotion. Her lips moved in prayer, her mind was
lost in prayer. Her fingers were busy telling the beads of her rosary.
Silently she kissed my forehead, and when I left I cherished the moist
imprint as pershaps the last sign of physical contact between us. But
that was not so. after five years I came back home and was met by
her at the station. She did not look a day older. She still had no time
for words and while she clasped me in her arms I could hear her
recitting her prayers. Even on the first day of my arrival, her happiest
moments were with her sparrows who, she fed longer and with
frivolous rebukes.
Read the above given passage & answer the question below:
Q.28. Why did the writer go abroad?
Q.29. What was the favorite past time of grand mother?
Q.30. (a) What was the happiest hour of the grand mother ?
(b) Who is the author of the above passage ?
(C) Make a sentence of your own words using the word 'chirrupings'?
Q.31. What evidence proves that “Tuts’ body was cremated in March or
April ?
Q.32. What do your gather about Taplow after reading the play? [3]
Q.33. What happened to pruf Gaitonde after the accident?
Q.34. Who is Mrs. Dorling? Is her behaviour justified ?
Q.35. What opinion do you form about Ranga after reading the story Rangas
marriage ?
Q.36. Explain the title “The Ghat of the only world.


Answered by palak4488

3663 is the answer

hope it works

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