agricultural practices of wheat in himachal pradesh (preparation of soil, sowing, irrigation, harvesting, storage) A description on this topic
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On the basis of seasons in which the crops are grown, they are classified as -
Kharif crops
Rabi crops
These are substantiated with a number of examples. The major part of the chapter revolves around the best practices of crop production. Here, all the important agricultural practices are discussed in a comprehensive way.
The agricultural practices discussed in the chapter, Crop Production and Management are listed below:
Preparation of soil: In this section process of tilling and ploughing is covered in addition to agricultural implements used.
Sowing: Here, the practice of selection of seeds is discussed.
Adding manures and fertilizers: In this part, different examples of manures and fertilizers used are given along with their importance in crop production. Apart from this, differences between manures and fertilizers are also covered separately.
Irrigation: Various sources of irrigation are mentioned along with traditional and modern methods of irrigation.
Protection from weeds: This section deals with the protection of crops and mentions the terms weed, weeding and weedicides.
Harvesting: The process of harvesting, threshing and winnowing are covered here.
Storage: Silos and granaries form part of the discussion under this section.
At last, short information on animals as sources of food is also provided in the chapter, Crop Production and Management.
The chapter, Crop Production and Management covers the following topics
Agricultural Practices
Basic Practices of Crop Production
Preparation of Soil
Adding Manure and Fertilisers
Protection from Weeds
Food from Animals