Geography, asked by jeshanstuti3e, 1 year ago

agro-based industry has developed in the ganga-brahmaputra region give reason ?


Answered by leebona
this is due to the fact that these rivers are perennial which flows all through out the year and the delta region is the very fertile land in India among other 
Answered by bratislava

Agro-based industry has developed in the ganga-brahmaputra region give reason ?


  • The tea industry as the agro-based industry has grown and developed in the Ganga Brahmaputra regions and like other important plantations of the cotton, jute and the food processing and the sugar and has several petrochemical refineries and oil industries.  
  • Presence of the fertile soil and the Ganga Brahmaputra basin and is suitable for both the Kharif and the rabi crops and moreover and a number of the oxbow lakes are formed and Ganga and the Brahmaputra and is a lifeline to the millions of the people that live along the course of the river.

Know more about the agro based industries that has developed in the indo gangetic brahmaputra regions.

  • answered by  Leebona
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