English, asked by radhika7136, 10 months ago

aim in life essay of 150 words


Answered by Smruti1309

Life without aim is useless, aimless and pointless. Life is a great blessing of God. It should be spent on a purpose, with certain aim. Otherwise, there will be no difference between the life of man and that of animals.

Life is olden times was simple. Man had to hunt for food, nothing more. But, now is a different time. We have new challenges to meet. We have new problems to solve. So, one should be ready for all these things. One can face life and its problems with a plan. Without a plan, life would be difficult to lead.

I want to become a teacher. The question is why so. There are many other professions. One can be a doctor, earning a lot of rupees daily. One can be an engineer, getting thousands of rupees as salary. One can be a shop-keeper earning lots of profits. One can also be a trader, selling things and earning lots of profits. Why then a teacher?

I want to become a teacher because I love this profession. Not only that I love it, but also for its greatness. I know teachers in our country are low-paid. I also know that people don’t think this profession as a great one. They think that teachers are merely teachers, with no high status in life.

I admit, teachers are not given proper status in our society. But, all the same, I like this profession. I think teaching is the highest job to do. It is because teachers bring light of knowledge in the lives of the people. They take them out of ignorance. They teach them good values.

This is what I think, I believe. In my opinion, a poor literate man is better than an illiterate rich man. So, that is why I want to be a teacher. This is my aim in life.

radhika7136: Hey Thank for this answer
Answered by shivamraj26
  • Aim (in life) refers to the strong intention to achieve something. Everybody should have an aim in life. A man without an aim in life is merely a toy of circumstances. He drifts aimlessly and can never achieve success in his life.
  • Aimless life leads nowhere. So, a man should fix the aim of his life. He may face many difficulties in realizing it, but if he has a strong determination, he must achieve success.
  • Aimless life leads nowhere. So, a man should fix the aim of his life. He may face many difficulties in realizing it, but if he has a strong determination, he must achieve success.I have already fixed the aim of my life. I want to become a doctor. There are several reasons for my choice.
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