History, asked by rekhasharma86070, 10 months ago

अकबर के अधीन चित्रकला की मुगल स्कूल के विकास की रूपरेखा प्रस्तुत कीजिए​


Answered by priyadubey25054587


भारत में मुगल चित्रकला 16वीं और 18वीं शताब्दी के बीच की अवधि का काल है। यह वह समय था जब मुगलों ने भारत के बड़े हिस्से पर शासन किया था। मुगल चित्रकला का विकास सम्राट अकबर, जहाँगीर और शाहजहाँ के शासनकाल में हुआ। मुगल चित्रकला का रूप फारसी और भारतीय शैली का मिश्रण के साथ ही विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक पहलुओं का संयोजन भी है।

Answered by tiwariakdi

Development of the Mughal school of painting under Akbar:

  • A significant point in the history of Indian art is the origin of the Mughal School of Painting. The school was established during Akbar's rule. The Safavid school of Persian painting and the indigenous Indian painting style came together to form the foundation of the Mughal style. Indian, Persian, and Islamic artistic influences were uniquely combined in Mughal paintings.
  • The first Mughal School works created by Mir Sayyed Ali and Abdus Samad Khan are attributed to Akbar's reign. Humayun has previously employed these two artists. More than a hundred painters were employed in addition to this well-known pair, the most of them were Hindus from Gujarat, Gwalior, and Kashmir. These artists' combined and consistent efforts gave rise to the Mughal School of Miniature Paintings, a new school of painting that is today well recognised. The two most well-known compositions produced during Akbar's reign were Hamza Nama and Tuti-nama.

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