Akanki or natak m kya antar hai
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एकांकी एक ऐसा लघु नाटक है जो सिर्फ एक अंक का होता है | वहीँ एक नाटक में २ या २ से अधिक अंक हो सकते हैं |
सभी एकांकी, नाटक है लेकिन सभी नाटक एकांकी नहीं |
Ekanki is a type of short play/drama which has only one episode/scene/act. Whereas a play/drama may have 2 or more than 2 scenes/acts.
All ekankis are play but all plays are not ekanki.
सभी एकांकी, नाटक है लेकिन सभी नाटक एकांकी नहीं |
Ekanki is a type of short play/drama which has only one episode/scene/act. Whereas a play/drama may have 2 or more than 2 scenes/acts.
All ekankis are play but all plays are not ekanki.
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