Aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling points than corresponding alcohols and acids . Explain .
Alcohol Contains An OH Group Allowing For Hydrogen Bonding Which Is Stronger Than Other Intermolecular Forces.Aldehydes And KetonesHave C=O But No H Bond To The Oxygen (Therefore No Hydrogen Bonding).Aldehydes And Ketones Are Polar Due To This C=O Bond And Therefore It Has Stronger Intermolecular Forces Than Hydrocarbons Making Their Boiling Points Higher.
Both alcohols and acids involve intermolecular hydrogen bonding. But no intermolecular H - bonding occur in aldehydes and ketones.
Therefore, attractive forces in aldehydes and ketones are lesser/weaker than acids and alcohols. Hence, lesser energy is required to break the attractive forces in aldehydes and ketones and thus they have low boiling points(low boiling point = less energy to break the attractive forces).