English, asked by chandrabhoir, 3 months ago

alfread tennyson the oak poem answer​


Answered by ManikanchanDe


what to answer . where is the question

Answered by the0beautyqueen


What are the features of Victorian period poetry, especially pertaining to Tennyson and Browning?

While Victorian interest in medievalism does depart from Romantic poetry, it cannot be overlooked that Romantics, such as Keats and Coleridge, did use medieval themes in their poetry. For examples...

I have written an answer on the poem "Kraken" to the following question. My IGCSE board is coming up, and I was...

I can gladly offer you some feedback which, hopefully, you will find constructive. In your response, you do lots of things very well. You engage with the set question, you use well-chosen

How does Alfred, Lord Tennyson portray nature in his poems?

Alfred Lord Tennyson was a Victorian writer. The Victorian period's establishment revolved around Queen Victoria. The works from this period changed dramatically from the beginning (1837 to 1870)..


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