Algae and fungi live together? What is the situation called? What value do you learn from this?
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Algae and fungi lives in a mutual relationship where algae provides food to fungi(through photosynthesis) and fungi provides shelter and minerals to algae. This situation is called SYMBIOSIS.
We learn that through mutual helps,organisms can survive better in this world.
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Algae and fungi live together, thaat situation is referred as symbiosis.
- Algae and fungi live under a mutual symbiotic relationship and are called as lichens.
- They live with each other and help each other as and when required.
- The blue green algae absorbs the sunlight and undergo photosynthesis and hence produces its food as glucose.
- The fungi depends on nutrient and water from algae.
- The algae depends on fungi for support and shelter. They both live with each other being different species.
- Example: The helping and mutual nature of both the species and so we need to help the other human and animal who is in need.
To know more:
Short note on lichens​
Describe the types of lichens on the basis of their thallus organisation
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