Algae with multinucleate and haploid condition is
algae with multinucleate and haploid condition vaucheria
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A group of mostly watery, nucleus-containing, photosynthetic organisms known as algae. Algae are not considered to be plants since they lack reproductive organs like stems, leaves, and roots. Cells present in algae are not found in any other plants or animals. Even the pigments involved in photosynthesis differ greatly from those found in plants.
The size of the smallest Algae picoplankton can vary from 0.2 to 2 micro metres, while the size of the huge kelp can reach 60 metres.
A single nucleus or even numerous nuclei might be seen in an algae cell. Eukaryotic organisms called algae have three different forms of double membrane-bound organelles. It has a chloroplast, mitochondria, and nucleus.
Few types of algae contain toxins that are toxic to fish, finfish, and shellfish, therefore eating these fish is dangerous. Red tides are caused by dinoflagellates, which are toxic to aquatic life and also emit toxins into the water. Any organism that breathes air may experience health problems due to the poisons that dinoflagellates discharge into the air.
Numerous crucial responsibilities for algae are played in the atmosphere of the Earth. About half of the oxygen on Earth is produced by algae, which also store carbon dioxide to keep it out of the atmosphere.
Algae with multinucleate and haploid condition is Vaucheria.