English, asked by lilianazuara86, 5 months ago

alguien me puede pasar estas oraciones al contrario, por ejemplo si están en passive a active y si están en active a passive
1. Cricket is played in
2. They like to play soccer.
3. I am given a book.
4. We have lost our keys.
5. You might see dolphins
6. The report must be
completed' by next Friday
7. They were singing a song in
the lesson yesterday
8. A letter was written to her
some days ago
9. The black bike is being
repaired at the moment.
10. This room has been
painted blue
11. The first last food
restaurants were opened in
the USA in 1916.
12. The search will be stopped
because of the storm.
13. The grapes are grown in
14. The hamster can be kept in
a cage.
15. The police didn't find the
robber last week.​


Answered by ltzSweetAngel


Functions of the passive voice. The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.

Answered by ItzRedWine



What is Passive Voice?

A passive voice construction is a grammatical voice construction that is found in many languages. In a clause with passive voice, the grammatical subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb – that is, the person or thing that undergoes the action or has its state changed.

Function of Passive Voice:-

The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.

Hope it helps❣︎

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