Alice from Alice in wonderland character analysis ( Down the rabbit hole )
Alice is a seven and a half year old girl who asks too many questions. After talking to her cat, Dinah, Alice falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland. The first creature she meets is a Doormouse which runs off soon after because Alice offends it. As Alice travels throughout Wonderland, she becomes curious about all of the interesting creatures she encounters. Alice also becomes confused by all that happens to her in Wonderland. Alice would much rather flight than fight. Later, she encounters a caterpillar who he tells her to keep her temper just as she is about to loose it. Throughout the book, Alice changes in size, mind, and temperament. The Cheshire Cat says she is completely "mad," but Alice just wants to know why things happen. In the end, despite her fears, Alice stands up to the Red Queen and fights for what she thinks is right!