Psychology, asked by computerpc2009, 11 months ago

Alines exist ?????
I need genuine answer


Answered by soumiln43


Proof' is an unduly high standard to start with, I think it better to ask if there is any compelling evidence.

I am on a personal campaign to found a new field which would move away from the term UFO and address only aerial phenomena that is in some way truly anomalous. I have zero interest in satellites, planets and airplanes which people have failed to identify and therefore are counted as Unidentified Flying Objects. Far too often the term UFO is used as a placeholder for alien space craft, which is not what the term really means. UFOs are everything that an imbecile does not recognise in the sky - and an imbecile will recognise almost nothing at all beyond passenger planes and common birds.

There is compelling evidence for a range of anomalous aerial phenomena. This includes luminous spheres which seem to be a form of plasma-like energy rather than truly solid objects. These spheres are usually lumped together under 'ball lightening' but in reality the observations seem to suggest at least two different types, one that is very much tied to storm activity and another that has little direct connection as best as can be seen. Keep in mind here that ball lighting is just a name put on a very mysterious phenomena that has yet to be understood or fully replicated in a lab. Giving something strange a name is not the same as explaining it away.

In my opinion (and not mine alone) there is also growing evidence for the existence of strange saucer-shaped organisms in our upper atmosphere. Think of them as possibly a kind of sky jellyfish. I would classify these as extremophiles because we see them in NASA videos all the way up in the exosphere but they range between there and the troposphere, possibly needing to spawn at surface level or perform some other function here. It may simply be that different varieties inhabit different altitudes. There are some very strange flying saucer reports where it appears animals are stunned and consumed by these organisms, and in several cases people have said it seemed as though the 'craft' got slightly bigger after taking the animal inside. Does that sound like an alien space craft abducting a creature for study or an organism ingesting prey? It is also often reported that corpses of animals that are associated with visitations of these saucers are not fed upon by carrion eaters, not even by worms or flies. In my mind that suggests a toxin is used, and it is familiar enough to terrestrial creatures that they know its smell and will avoid these bodies. This can only come about over a great period of interaction, for evolution to have informed instinctual behaviour in so many potential carrion eaters I would suggest these saucer-shaped organisms have been around for a very long time.

The third class of anomalous aerial phenomena is of course the structured aerial vehicles of unknown manufacturing and origination. We can easily imagine some of these are secret military projects and there is a history of governments using the UFO subject to cover up secret planes. The recent revelations from the US AATIP program and the Navy response appear to suggest that some of these are not US controlled. Are they Russian or Chinese? Maybe. Whoever is controlling them has broken our laws of physics, because it should not be possible to travel at 20,000mph and then make instantaneous right-angle turns or dead stop. Certainly not without your craft ripping to pieces! We also have a long history of witness claims in regards to actual alien craft, complete with beings, landing and interacting. This is of course anecdotal, but it is a form of evidence none the less (in our legal systems a witness statement can have you in prison for life).

There is then a range of genuine anomalous aerial phenomena needing far more detailed scientific investigation (at present there is virtually none). We need to divide up these into the correct categories and assign them to specialists. There is little point in an aerospace engineer researching atmospheric extremophiles and we do not want an exobiologist trying to understand anomalous high energy phenomena. As with any genuine field of science Anomalous Aerial Phenomena should be separated in accurate sub-divisions.

All of them should start out sounding totally crazy, great new discoveries usually do not come from the known and expected, or the familiar and easy to comprehend. If such studies found no strong evidence of anything interesting then at least we can all forget all about UFOs and everyone involved will find other hobbies.

As for whether there is scientific evidence that supports and alien visitation to this planet, yes, this exists. This comes in the form of both technosignatures and genomics, what Prof Paul Davies calls Genetic SETI and the DNA WOW signal. I will leave it there as I have written a long comment and I have no idea if this thread is still active.

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