Social Sciences, asked by ektapandey60, 11 months ago

All ancient civilizations were known as​


Answered by charulatha2009


Ancient civilization refers specifically to the first settled and stable communities that became the basis for later states, nations, and empires. ... All these civilizations had certain features in common. They built cities and invented forms of writing.

The first six civilizations–Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley (Harappa), Andes, China, and Mesoamerica– are supposed to have arisen independently of each other approximately 6,000 to 3,500 years ago.

Answered by mahinsheikh


This is an alphabetically ordered list of ancient civilizations. It includes types of cultures, traditions, and industries as well as more traditionally defined civilizations.

Abbevillian industry

Acheulean industry

Aegean civilizations

Amratian culture

Ancestral Pueblo culture

ancient Egypt

ancient Greek civilization

ancient Iran

ancient Italic people

ancient Middle East

ancient Rome

Andean cultures

Archaic culture


Aterian industry

Aurignacian culture

Australian Aboriginal peoples

Azilian industry

Badarian culture

Banpo culture

Big-Game Hunting Tradition

Boian culture

Capsian industry



Chellean industry

Choukoutienian industry

Clactonian industry

Dawenkou culture

Desert cultures

Dong Son culture

Dorset culture

El Argar

Erlitou culture

Ertebølle industry

Fauresmith industry

Gerzean culture

Ghassulian culture

Hohokam culture

Hongshan culture

Ibero-Maurusian industry

Indus civilization

Inugsuk culture

Ipiutak culture

Jōmon culture

Kachemak culture

Kurgan culture

Lapita culture

LBK culture

Longshan culture

Lupemban industry

Magdalenian culture

Maglemosian industry

Magosian industry


Minoan civilization

Mississippian culture


Mogollon culture

Mousterian industry

Mycenaean civilization

Nachikufan industry

Natufian culture


Nok culture

Old Cordilleran culture

Oldowan industry

Osteodontokeratic tool industry


Perigordian industry


pre-Columbian civilizations

Qijia culture


Sangoan industry

Solutrean industry

Stillbay industry

Tasian culture

Tayacian industry

Teotihuacán civilization

Thule culture

Trypillya culture

Urnfield culture

Villanovan culture

Woodland cultures

Yangshao culture

Yayoi culture

This article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Augustyn, Managing Editor, Reference Content.

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