English, asked by rajgopal2923, 10 months ago

All love is expansion big essay


Answered by kumawattushar715


Swami Vivekananda, ” All love is expansion and all selfishness is contraction” Love is the only law of life, and the one who is selfish is dying. Love will bring people together. Love will connect peoples hearts. An indulgent man, due to his selfishness, ultimately meets death. It is true that one should always spread love among all the people as it can create a strong bonding and get everybody by our side during hard times. However, people are not always ready to help the self-centered and mean people, as once their work gets done, they do not even acknowledge it. William Shakespeare says, “Love is not love, which alters when its alternation finds”. He also further says that it is an ever fixed mark. In a different context than in the manner this sonnet was written, such love is nothing but an expansion. When you do not have such generosity towards anything, anything that you have is selfishness. Any form of gesture that is self consuming or confined to you, is nothing but selfishness and contracts your limits. A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. The Farmer knew how deadly the Snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. The Snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around, “Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel”. The moral is, always stay away from selfish people. The world is breaking apart, there’s war, there’s hatred, there’s division, there is vengeance among people. Why ? It is the selfish people who drive others into having hatred for one another. Is it necessary for us to be so selfish to one another ? Egocentric leaders have divided us. Love is such a virtue, that can solve many real world problems. People should start caring for each other more. Our idol, Swami Vivekananda was a saint, who spent his entire life in the name of god. He developed great level of patience and wisdom through meditation and self realization. He thought us the art of love. How people come together. His teachings are to be pondered upon. He was a selfless man. According to his book, Bhakti Yoga, love never begs, love never fears, and love loves love sake. We may represent love as a triangle, each of the angles of which corresponds to one of its inseparable characteristics. There can be no triangle without all its three angles; and there can be no true love without its three following characteristics. The first angle of our triangle of love is that love knows no bargaining. Wherever there is any seeking for something in return, there can, be no real love; it becomes a mere matter of shop-keeping The second angle of the triangle of love is that love knows no fear. Those that love God because of fear of god, are the lowest of human beings. They worship God from fear of punishment. He is a great Being to them, with a whip in one hand and the scepter in the other; if they do not obey Him, they are afraid they will be whipped. It is a degradation to worship God through fear of punishment; such worship is, if worship at all, the crudest form of the worship of love. So long as there is any fear in the heart, how can there be love also? Love conquers naturally all fear. The third angle of the love-triangle is that love knows no rival, for in it is always embodied the lover’s highest ideal. True love never comes until the object of our love becomes to us our highest ideal. It may be that in many cases human love is misdirected and misplaced, but to the person who loves, the thing he loves is always his own highest idea. One may see his ideal in the vilest of beings, and another in the highest of beings; nevertheless, in every case it is the ideal alone that can be truly and intensely loved. The highest ideal of every man is called God. Thus, love is the g

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