All parental act are, for the betterment of the children .it is true . However ,one has to make effort through trials and eerors shedding off ones earlyhesitation and fear to succeed in any enterprise . Justified this statement by taking points from the lesson his first flight
His First Flight
The lesson 'His First Flight' teaches many things, but it also gives an important lesson on parenting.
'All parental acts are for the betterment of the child. However, one has to make efforts through trials and errors. Shedding off ones early hesitation and fear to succeed in any enterprise'.
This statement is absolutely true. We saw that the little bird was afraid to fly, his parents tried many things to make him fly. They tried to make him jealous of his siblings, who were smaller than him had and smaller wings, but could fly effectively. His mother also tried to use food as a bait to make him fly. The parents adopted different techniques and finally succeeded. Hence, we conclude that parenting involves a lot of trial and error.
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