Science, asked by prachi0133, 9 months ago

all question related to wind turbine​


Answered by purvapednekar


1.Is wind power safe?

Of 90,000 wind turbines in the world, no member of the public has been killed or seriously injured by wind, ever. This compares with thousands of injuries coming from Coal, Gas, Nuclear, and other Electricity production. Wind power is the safest alternative energy on earth.

2. What causes wind to produce electricity?

The turbine, a "fan" spins a generator, thus converting energy in thewind into electricity. Most believe wind is caused by solar impacts on the earth. So wind energy is a dynamic form of solar energy.

3. How much electricity can a turbine produce?

It depends upon the location, size and design of the turbine, and the price of electricity and wind speeds in your location. A small unit for your home can produce 1 kW or about $100 per month in power, if your winds are good and electric rates are high. A larger home unit can produce 5 kW or $300 to $500 per month in electricity. A 20 kW unit can produce from $1,000 to $2,800 per month with good winds and high electric rates. An 80 kW unit can produce $2,500 to $7,000 per month. A 250 kW unit can produce from $11,000 per month to $22,000 per month in good conditions. A 1000 kW(megawatt) can produce up to $100,000 per month.

4. What do turbines cost?

From $5,900 to $3,000,000. See

5. What is a typical rate of return on my investment in a turbine?

We have seen a range of 17% IRR to 27% IRR. This will vary with location, winds, design, cost of electricity and quality.

6. What are the variables of wind production?

a. Wind Speed

b. Cost of electricity

c. Capacity of the turbine

7. Can I predict what my production will be?

Yes, find out the average wind speed for your location, find out the capacity and "rating" of your turbine, and find out the cost of electricity (electric rate). With these three numbers you can give a reasonable estimate of what your production will be. Most turbine distributors can give you this information, such as, for customers when they purchase.

8. Are wind turbines noisy?

Some have "lattice" towers that produce more wind speed noise. Some have poor blade design that cause them to whine. NBC carried a television story about the high noise one one turbine that is made in Arizona, that produces about $60 to $140 per month. We recommend that you consider the source of the turbines. The turbines that distribute make less noise than any turbines. Many people who have them have reported that they are silent, that they have never heard them. Sound tests show our turbines to produce so little noise that the microphone has difficulty picking up a reading. Most of the turbines made in Holland are of good design, are almost silent. The average wind turbine produces less than 1/2 the noise of a typical swimming pool pump motor. Even our 250 kWh units (which can make $12,000 to $20,000+ in electricity per month) are very quiet. We interviewed a school that has 4 turbines, 50 kWh power each, on lattice towers. They said that neighbors had complained of the noise,and we personally went to see this unit. It is a loud unit, this 50 kW unit makes much more noise and is much louder than our 80 kW unit ,sold by

9. Do wind turbines kill birds?

Remember, hunters kill birds. Cars, trucks and high line wires kill birds. Office buildings kill birds. There are reports that birds fly into light poles, signs, mirrors, windows and high line wires. There are reports that birds fly into turbines, although this is rare. The large turbines are large and moving, and birds see this and tend to fly around or over them. Official studies indicate that a typical large mega-Watt wind turbine will experience 1.5 birds flying into it per year. About half the rate of a typical car. A typical office building kills 20 times this number. A typical truck kills 5 times this number. A typical house cat has been shown to kill 8 birds, 15 mice/rats and 2 squirrels per year.

10. Do wind turbines cause headaches?

The giant turbines create a low frequency pressure wave, that can be felt by some people if they are standing within 20 feet of the turbine, or directly under the turbine. There is no evidence that this is harmful. But, most large turbines are built 1000 feet away from any buildings. Small wind turbines cause no physical problems and often cannot be heard or felt. The turbines of www.wind-inc.ushave no impact on health, except they save you the stress of paying electric bills. You can drop by our offices. We have turbines, within 50 feet of our staff offices. We cannot hear the turbines, nor have we experienced any health problems. Most people who come by enjoy stand

Answered by nabajyoti10


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