All si units of science class 10
1. Length (l). Meter. m
2. Mass (M). Kilogram. kg
3. Time (T) Second s
4. Electric current (I) Ampere A
5. Thermodynamic temperature (Θ)
Kelvin K
6. Amount of substance (N) Mole mol
7. Luminous intensity (J) Candela. cd
1. Length - Meter
2. Mass - Kilogram
3. Time - Second
4. Electric current - Ampere
5. Thermodynamic temperature - Kelvin
6. Amount of substance - Mole
7. Luminous intensity - Candela
1. Force, Weight - Newton
2. Frequency - Hertz
3. Electric charge - Coulomb
4. Electric potential (Voltage) - Volt
5. Inductance - Henry
6. Capacitance - Farad
7. Resistance, Impedance, Reactance - Ohm Ω
8. Electrical conductance - Siemens
9. Magnetic flux - Weber
10. Magnetic flux density - Tesla
11. Energy, Work, Heat - Joule
12. Power, Radiant flux - Watt
13. Angle - Radian
14. Radioactivity - Becquerel
15. Luminous flux - Lumen
⚡Hope it will be helpful.⚡