CBSE BOARD XII, asked by devasingh201510, 5 months ago

All the world is divided into three parts finger feeders, fork feeders and chopstick feeders. The topic of technology of eating is one that is rife with dispute over the utensils used to eat food. It is also a subject loaded with chauvinism. Supporters of one implement may often regard others as uncivilized or even.

According to Dr. Lynn white fork feeders are most common in Europe and North America, Chopstick feeders in most Eastern Asia and finger-feeders in much of Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, and the Indian sub continent. Academics agree fork-users have historically been in the minority. As little as three centuries ago, most Western Europeans still used fingers regarding the fork as decadent or worse. French historians Fernard Braudel tells of one medieval preacher in Germany who condemned the fork as a diabolical luxury: God would not have given us fingers if he had wished us to use such an instrument.

Forks and chopsticks became popular because they made it easier to handle hot food. Before this, people generally scooped up hot meals on flat bread. According to Dr. K.C. Chang, the chairman of Harvard University’s anthropology department, Chinese Cuisine was characterized by small portions which didn’t require cutting by a knife and fork eaten from bowls. “There was a need for morsels to be carried from a bowl to the mouth, and chopsticks met that need”, he said.​


Answered by hridyanshtri


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