Physics, asked by bhondaveanita373, 1 year ago

all type of motion defines


Answered by debismita


RECTILINEAR MOTION:-In a rectilinear motion,all the objects move along a single line.Some common examples of rectilinear motion are marching soldiers,moving cars and moving animal.The common thing in all these examples is that they move in a single line.

CIRCULAR MOTION:-Have you notice the motion of a fan?Some objects are moving even though they are fixed at some position.Here the fan undergoes circular motion.In the cirvular motion ,the objects follow a circular path of motion without changing their postion.It is the circular movement of fan that results in cool air.Some more examples of circular motion are the motion of a Ferry wheel,satellite and rotation of planets around the sun.

PERIODIC MOTION:-Have you ever seen a clock's pendulum?Its repeats it movement after a specific time.Physically the pendulum is not moving.It is fixed to some point.Yet it shows motion.This kind of motion that repeats after a periodic space of time is known as periodic motion.In the periodic motion,the movement made by the objects is called oscillation.


Answered by Anonymous



Rotary motion is anything that moves in a circle. This type of motion was among the first discovered in ancient times. Think of a spinning wheel on which people spun wool. A car's engine works the same way. Like linear cylinders, rotary actuators are used across a wide range of industries and come in electric, pneumatic and hydraulic options.


Something that oscillates moves back and forth. Anything that repeats the motion cycle after a certain period is considered to be oscillating. This type of motion is found everywhere in our world: a sprinkler system, the pendulum of a clock or even sound waves.

You may be thinking that a rotary actuator functions as an oscillating device, and for that matter, so does a linear one when it repeats a continuous movement. When it comes to actuators, linear and rotary can be viewed as oscillating.


Simple enough, linear motion is anything that moves in a straight line, like our linear actuators. Time, as far as we know, moves in a linear fashion. Just like rotary devices, you can find linear cylinders in electric, pneumatic or hydraulic options. They have driven the field of automation, manufacturing, robotics, and others into a new age because, in the past, rotary motion was the only means to create motion.

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