Axis Powers
powers Blocks w.w-1,w.w-2
Allied powers, also called Allies, those countries allied in opposition to the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey) in World War I or to the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) in World War II.
Allied powers: The origins of allies stemmed from thewar time alliances made in world war 1. It was also made up ofthe original membersof the defunct league of Nations.The allies initially consisted the european nations with the exception of Germany and italyand Russia, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland,swedan were neutral. Russia(soviet union)and USA wouldjoin later in 1941.
Axis powers:The Axis developed through the diplomatic efforts of a resurgent Nazi Germany,Fascist italy and imperial japan.A pactwas made between the three secure their own imperial interests in their respective spheres of influences.The Axis consisted of Germany, italy and japan. but after the German blitzerkrieg Champaigns of 1939-1940,they were joined by countries occupied directly by them or governments that supported that Axis such as Bulgaria, Romania and Finland and Norway.