Math, asked by dilipshrestha600, 1 day ago

Allowing20%, discount on the marked price of a printer, the value of the printer will be Rs 18080 when a VAT of 13% is added, find its marked price​


Answered by izazehn



20000Step-by-step explanation:

20000Step-by-step explanation:let x be the original price

20000Step-by-step explanation:let x be the original price4x/5 is the discounted price

20000Step-by-step explanation:let x be the original price4x/5 is the discounted price4x/5 × 113% = the final price = 18080

20000Step-by-step explanation:let x be the original price4x/5 is the discounted price4x/5 × 113% = the final price = 18080x = 20000

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