English, asked by SNayak, 1 year ago

Also write an email to two biology teachers from neighbouring school, requesting them to be the guest of honour on environment day celebration in your school. Use the details of the question given before. (Both are urgent. Please answer fast)


Answered by ToadGaming123
hey there

from:your name
to:bio mam
subject:invitation to be guest of honour on ev day celebration

respected mam,
                          i am the student of your neighbouring school ........(ur school name). i'm here with an invitation for you to be the guest of honour in our school for the celebration of environment day.i hope you'll come

yours requestly 
(ur name)

utpal10: thanks
Answered by jashan78780


from:your name

to:principal of neighbouring school

subject:inviting 2 bio teachers for the celebration of environment day


respected mam,

i your name the student of your neighbouring school is here to inform you that our school is celebrating the environment day on date in the school ground so please send two biology teachers of your school to our school as the guest of honour on date of celebration i hope you will send the teachers on the ocassion.


head boy your school name

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