Although calpurnia revealed her fear after nightmare yet caesar decided to go to senate house. Why?
In spite of listening to Calpurnia's nightmare, Caesar decided to go to the senate house because of Decius Brutus. He succeeded in persuading Caesar to accompany him to Senate house because he understood Caesar’s psychological weaknesses. He knew how to fan his ego and pride. He interpreted Calpurnia’s speech according to Caesar’s taste. He also lured Caesar to the Senate House by telling him that the senators had decided to give Caesar the crown. Calpurnia had to plead so much to Caesar to keep him at home. Caesar actually did not want to stay at home. So when Decius Brutus came to take him to Senate House (which was part of the conspiracy), hearing his arguments he agreed to accompany him.
calpurnia tries to convince caesar not to leave their home and go to senate house as she had a frightening dream in which she cried out thrice in her sleep. she fears for his life . besides , a member of their household has also informed her of certain unnatural happening. according to her if caesar would step out of the house, something evil would happen to him.