although nicola and jacopo ate young boys yhe marrator refers to them gentlemen why ?
#Gentleman is someone who is respectful and honoured
#Here the two boys thoughts are so wise that they know their family problems and solve them.
#And the two boys do not need the courtesy of any other persons and and they don't want someone to interfere with their life.
#They even don't care about themselves and work hard for their sister,they hardly eat piece of bread.
This shows that the two boys are Gentlemen.
Hey mate,
Nicola and Jacopo, both were very hard working and sincere child. They always considered work as their first priority. They never give up. The boys were always ready to do any sort of job that could give them money.
Although the boys were young and usually boys of their age play and study but Nicola and Jacopo was not enough lucky to do so, there was a seriousness that was far beyond their age. They were very serious regarding their work. Their only aim was to earn money to pay for the treatment of her elder sister.
The two boys were true gentlemen as age does not matter to be a gentleman, it is the handwork and determination that matters. They two boys were very determined. Their determination for work can't be measured.