Although the principle of universal adult franchise has now come to be accepted all over the world,there are instances of denial of equal right to vote.explain with an example,?
Solution :-
In a democracy, the right to vote is granted on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise. In India, every adult citizen above 18 years has a right to vote without any discrimination. Although the principle of Universal Adult Franchise has been accepted in almost all the countries if the world, but there are instance of denial of equal rights to vote. These are mentioned below.
1) In the municipal elections of 50s and 60s, women were not allowed to vote. No further elections held till 2005. Despite some expectation that women would be allowed to participate on that occasion, Saudi Officials decided that they would not. It was argued that not enough women would be available to staff female polling stations and that only a small number of women held ID cards, which would be required in order for them to vote. The same rules applied when elections were held in 2011. In September 2011, King Abdullah announced that women would be granted the right to vote in municipal election of 2015.
2) Estonia has made its citizenship rule in such a way that people belonging to Russian minority find it difficult to get right to vote.
3) In Fiji, the electoral system is such that the vote of an indigenous Fijian has more value than that of an Indian Fijian.
Thanks for this question. Please find the answer below:
The principle of universal adult franchise is the idea where every citizen of the country is given the right to work.
It is widely practiced however there are countries that do not practice it. For example; Saudi Arabia doesn't give women the right to vote. There are countries West Asia that are not democratic. In China, higher officials are not elected.