aluminium +copperchloride----aluminiumchloride+copper i want in symbol form
: 2Al + 3CuCl2 ⇒2AlCl3 + 3Cu
we have to balance chemical equation,
Aluminium + Copper Chloride -----> Aluminium chloride + copper
it will be Batter if we should write all the given elements and compounds in symbolic form.
symbol of aluminium ⇒ Al
symbol of copper chloride ⇒CuCl2
symbol of aluminium chloride ⇒AlCl3
symbol of copper ⇒ Cu
now, skeleton chemical equation will be
Al + CuCl2 ⇒ AlCl3 + Cu
in this reaction, it is clear that only Chlorine is in imbalance. in LHS there are two chlorine atoms while in RHS there are three chlorine atoms.
To balance chlorine atoms , multiplying 3 with CuCl2 and 2 with AlCl3
then, we get equation, Al + 3CuCl2 ⇒2AlCl3 + Cu
now chlorine is balanced but Al and Cu is imbalanced.
so, To balance Al, multiplying 2 with Al and 3 with Cu
then equation will be , 2Al + 3CuCl2 ⇒2AlCl3 + 3Cu
now this equation is completely balanced.
so, balance chemical equation is 2Al + 3CuCl2 ⇒2AlCl3 + 3Cu
al +CuCl 2=alCl 2+Cu....