Computer Science, asked by irfanac2000, 2 months ago

always @ (posedge Clock or posedge Clear or posedge Set)
If (Set = 1'bl) begin
Q<= l'bl; end
else if (Clear = l'bl) begin
Q<= 1'b0; end
else begin
Q<= M; end //Here M is the only one input of the flip-flop
What flipflop does the Verilog code analogues? What is the flip flop output if Clear =
l' and Set = '1'?
(a) Synchronous D flip flop, Q = 0
(b) Asynchronous T flip flop. Q = 0
(c) Asynchronous D flip flop, Q = 1
(d) Synchronous T flip flop, Q = 1


Answered by deep123495


flip it 243 times then mulitply it by 453 =

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