'Amanda!' poem figures of speech
Amanda is a school going girl who is nagged by the parent by being told to do this and that.
Amanda longs fro freedom to do things in her own way.
Freedom is the figure of speech in this poem.
Amanda is constantly asked not to et chocolate,to always sit upright,to do her homework,to tidy her room and man other things.
She is always told what to do and what not to do.
Amanda thus dreams to be the sole inhabitant of the sea as a mermaid and enjoy the freedom of doing things in her own way.
She also wishes to be an orphan so that she could do her things her own way without being nagged.
The figure of speech that is used in the poem Amanda is Metaphor. It is used to make the comparison between two different ideas or things. Therefore, in the poem, the poet used it repeatedly in second, fourth, and sixth stanzas when Amanda compares herself with that of the mermaid, then with an orphan and finally with the Rapunzel, in respective stanza.