Business Studies, asked by sonudhawan2, 1 year ago

Amar works for an IT company as a project coordinator. His boss, Ajay is very
adamant and wants the work to be done according to his way without even considering
anyone’s perspective. If Amar commits any minor mistake also he is reprimanded in
front of the entire team. Ajay wants Amar to stay late beyond office hours, even when
his work is complete. Consider the given situation and explain the pitfalls in leadership
shown by Ajay


Answered by Anonymous
for any business to succeed it is very important on manager's part to keep his employees motivated.if he insults the employees or degrades them it may staraight away effect their performance and thus,effects the quality of production.the motivation skills and good understanding of employees psychology are part of a good leadership skills.
in the above case study we can see that ajay is a very dominating and strict boss.though it is good to be strict and get work done on tim e and within cost but we need to maintain a good balace between employee and employer.if ajay wants amar to work for extra hours then he should offer extra money for extra hour of may be a small or big amount as ajay may decide but it would be a motivating factor for amar to word much hard.ajay also needs to understand the basic human psycology,he should know that every human is different and there are different ways to deal with different kind of minds.some people who are sensitive like amar,may feel humilated to frequently be scolded in front of the staff.ajay should try to indivisualy talk to amar regarding his errors in work.this way he wont feel bad and he would also realise his mistake.ajay should also appreciate the staff who performs good.this motivates the employees to perform more better.

sonudhawan2: Thanks..
Answered by ssingh30092001



Personal Pitfalls:-

According to the given situation, the pitfalls in leadership shown by Ajay are personal pitfall in leadership which is Dictatrship. In dictatorship leadership, dictators tend to keep decision- making power and knowledge to themselves and do not share with their subordinates. In this situation ajay needs amar to work as per him without aking anyone other decision.In such situation, leaders become dictatorial in their approach and do not ask any questions to anyone and tend to keep their personal objectives above everyone and lay unrelistic targets for their subordinates as in the given situation; Ajay wants Amar to stay late beyond office hours, even when his work is complete. Such type of leaders lays down their own laws on other individuals and expects the infividuals to perform without qiestioning his or her authority. In such dictatorship style, the leaders believe that their knowledge is the key to power. Due to this belief, such leaders keep the knowledge to themselves. Such leaders expect perfortmance to be of the highest quality and every time. Such leaders do not except their subordinates mistakes at all. Like in the above given scenario, if Amar commits any minor mistake, he is pull up in front of the entire team. Mistakes usually result in disnissal or in some other form of punishment for that individual.

This style of leadership is difficult to follow for both the leader and the team members. Due to such characteeristics of a dictatorship, such leaders are highly disliked by his team members. If a leader does not have the knowledge of his team members objectives, then the team members may not be able to perform to the best of their abilities. Becvause of the harsshness used in dictator style of leadership, the leader is often recognise as oppressive and unfair.

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