English, asked by vinaykonch6, 8 months ago

Amit is arranging a meeting with Rajat. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
with at, on, in:

Amit : Thave some time to spare__the 10th. Can we meet__11a.m.?
Rajat : 10th is a Friday. Let me see. No, I'm sorry I can't see you __Friday. I have a
packed schedule.

Amit: That's too bad. You see, I'd like to have this meeting to this month, as I'm
going to be travelling__April.

Rajat : I was wondering, can't we meet__ the weekend, say__Saturday or
Sunday? That's fine with me.

Amit : Weekends are difficult for me. I'm always__ one relative's place or another.
It's family time, you see.

Rajat : I can understand. Well then, are you free__ the 18th? Let's say, sometime
__ the afternoon?

Amit : 18th should be fine. Shall we say, we meet __ 4p.m.? 4p.m. is fine. See you
on Monday, then.​


Answered by rajivmishra015


Amit- on, at



Rajat-at, on


Rajat-at, in


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