among three isotopes of Ne which has largest radius of curvaure
A quick search on the isotopes of Sodium and their natural abundance reveals that Sodium-23 is the most common. In fact, it has 100% relative abundance. This is the only isotope of Sodium you will find in the natural world. Elemental Sodium-23 therefore consists of 11 protons, 12 neutrons, and 11 electrons.
Natural uranium contains 3 radioactive isotopes U-234 ,U-235,U-238 :
1. The weight percentage for U-235 is 0.72% and 0; 99.27% for U-238.
2. The radioactive associated with natural uranium is 2.2% with u-235 and 48,9% with u-238.
3. The half life of u-235 is 710 million years and 4500 million years for u-238.
4. U-238 has abundance 99.2745%, and u-235 has o.7200%.
5. U-238 is the first isotope in the U-238 decay series that contain 20 members and ,U-235 is the first isotope in the U-235 decay series that contain 15 members.
6. U-238 has mass number(proton 92 + neutron 146=238)
238 92U146 , U-235 has mass number (proton-92 + neutron 143 =235) 235 92U143 .