Amount of water used everyday for irrigation per hectare in potato
about which irrigation is u talking about ...
but here's about sprinkler irrigation..
Sprinkler irrigation
Most potatoes are irrigated with sprinklers. Center pivot, wheel line, and solid set systems are most commonly used. Sprinkler systems are more versatile than furrow irrigation systems and can apply fertilizers and some pesticides effectively. Uniform water application is most easily achieved with sprinkler systems. Sprinklers are readily adapted to uneven ground. When preparing fields, be sure not to leave any low spots where water will collect.
Sprinkler irrigation provides conditions in the potato canopy that are favorable for certain diseases, such as early blight, late blight, bacterial stem rot, and white mold. To reduce spread of these diseases, allow foliage to dry between irrigations. An advantage of center pivot irrigation systems is that the water applied is added relatively quickly to the plants. However, regardless of irrigation technique, watering during late afternoon or early evening may allow foliage to stay wet all night, providing a favorable environment for late blight. Allowing solid set sprinklers to run more than 6 hours, regardless of the time of day, has the same effect. Also, foliage near the middle of center pivot circles tends to remain wetter and more prone to foliar diseases and produces poorer quality potatoes, so this area should not be planted.