Amphibians are unsuccessful and animals explion
Amphibians can be found in freshwater and moist terrestrial habitats throughout the world. The only continent without amphibians is Antarctica. Amphibians are especially numerous in temperate lakes and ponds and in tropical rainforests.
Amphibians as Prey and Predators
Amphibians are an important food source for animals such as birds, snakes, raccoons, and fish. Amphibians are also important predators. As larvae, they feed mainly on small aquatic animals such as water insects. They may also feed on algae. As adults, amphibians are completely carnivorous. They may catch and eat worms, snails, and insects, as the frog in Figure below is doing. Unlike other amphibians, caecilians are burrowers. They use their head to dig in the soil, and they feed on earthworms and other annelids. Caecilians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions.