Math, asked by frasererin01, 10 months ago

An airplane moving away from an observer is at an

angle of elevation to the observer of 61° when its

height is 3950m. Forty-five seconds later, it is at

a height of 5650m and its angle of elevation to the

observer is 62° . Calculate the distance (in metres)

moved by the plane in those 45 seconds.


Answered by hannjr


tan 61 = 3950 / x1     where x1 is horizontal distance to plane

x1 = 2190 m

tan 62 = 5650 / x2    

x2 = 3004 m

x2 - x1 = 814 m     horizontal distance moved in 45 sec

If the problem is asking for the "total" distance moved then

X = [814^2 + (5650 - 3950)^2]^1/2

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