an application to principal suggesting introduction to some martial arts in your school
Answer:west view,
Near Fly.station,
Chandrapur -442 401.
15th September 2019
The Principal,
Jai Hind High school,
Chandrapur - 442 421.
Subject: suggestion to start
a martial arts class in our
Respected sir,
With due respect I xyz
studying in your school
Would like to state that
nowadays it's been seen
that the students are
suffering from a lot of
physical harrassment
and they have no
knowledgee about how to
to protect themselves from
that. I have written this letter
on behalf of all the students
of standard xyz to request
you for making some
provisions of introducing
martial arts in our school to
the students.
I hope that you consider our
request and take punitive
action in introducing martial
arts in our school to the
students. We would be
very grateful to you if you
do so.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
(STD xyz,roll no. 11
Explanation:all the things will be close to left margin