An application to s.h.o. reporting the theft of your car
Write an application to the SHO for lodging a report of theft of your car stereo. The loss of stereo is a financial loss to me and emotional shock as well. ADVERTISEMENTS: I, therefore, request you to kindly take immediate necessary action in this regard.
With due honour, I would like to draw your kind attention towards the theft that took place last night.Yesterday as usual I parked my car at 9.30 pm in the DDA car parking in front of my flat. Everything was there intact when I parked my car. But in the morning today at 9.00 am, when I was to go to my office, I reached my car, and was shocked to see that the front right side door glass was broken and that my stereo was gone. The car stereo was of Sony, having 55,588 model and black in colour. I purchased it for Rs. 10,000 just three months back. As per my assessment, the thief tried to lift my car, but perhaps he could not do so due to extra I on the steering and had to contend with only the car stereo