An article on exam stress in 4 paragraph and 120 words.
Sometimes the pressure of exams may cause you stress. Stress is your response to pressure and, while a small amount of pressure can be useful to keep you focused during exam time, if it becomes too much study can seem impossible.
If you're experiencing exam stress, it's important to remind yourself that this is only a small part of your life, even though it might not feel like it at the time.
Symptoms of exam stress may include:
losing touch with friends and the activities you enjoy
feeling moody, low or overwhelmed
having trouble making decisions
losing your appetite or over eating
sleeping poorly and struggling to get out of bed
difficulty getting motivated to start studying
tense muscles or headaches
clammy hands or feeling butterflies in your stomach
a racing heartbeat or feeling sick
fidgeting, nail biting or teeth grinding
feeling confused, or having your mind going blank during the tests.
These symptoms can interfere with how much you enjoy life, especially around exam times.