An article on health hazards caused by fast food in about 150 words.
According to the research, it is found that puberty is the most sensitive age during which one should practice healthy eating habits because during this age there are many changes occur in the body to prepare one to enter to the adult age group.
In recent times, it has been observed that there has been an immense increase in the trend of eating junk food. There has been increasing in the companies producing such food which not just attracted people but also influences them to consume them. Such foods are easily accessible, tastier and are also a symbol of great prestige. Children and adolescents have mostly harmed ones. They are fond of such types of food. Hence, it can be concluded that the present generation gives much attention to the taste rather than on nutrient value. This needs to be understood by the people at the earliest that consuming such food continuously can affect them adversely. Unhealthy eating habits are creating havoc with the health of children. Although the junk foods are tasty to eat but are very bad for health. The parents, teachers and the elders need to tell the students the difference between junk and healthy food and the importance of good eating habits.