an article on the topic mobile phone a modern utility or a healthhazar
. it cause cancer - the additions emitting for The mobilescause bone marrow cancer without as no solution it will say with u life long
. brain wash - excessive use of mobiles cause damage to your brain it causes loss of memory if in excess use and causes weakening of memory.
. weakening of eyesight - due to the emitting light from the phone's causes a lot of harm for your eyes.
Around 50% of India's total population using a mobile phone in 2012. The use of mobile phones is increasing day by day at a fast rate.
Although the mobile phone has many advantages.
Mobile phones help us to connect to our loved ones in milliseconds.
It gives us the ability to contact anyone quickly.
Mobile phones are less expensive as compare to old phones.
It helps us in many ways, because of their small size we can carry them anywhere and nowadays many features have been introduced in mobile phones that help us in our professional and personal lives.
There's no doubt that mobile phones have many advantages but it has disadvantages as well.
Mobile phones emit electromagnetic waves that are bad for our health.
Many people keep their mobile phones beside their pillow while sleeping, it can cause serious problems if not taken care of, apart from that mobile phones distracts a person while driving it can lead to dangerous accidents.