an article on the topic- ‘today's children are couch potato’
For example in certain movies we see impossible things happening, and the protagonist performing stunts that are impossible to be performed in real life. There has been news of fatalities of certain young children who while trying to imitate the stunts of movies lost their lives.
Televisions air a whole range of advertisements of different products. Advertisements of chocolates, chips, soft drinks, ice-cream brands, burgers, pizzas, etc, are targeted at children to lure them. And we know what happens!
TV is the worst time consuming device. It kills children’s precious time. If they spend the same time studying or playing outdoor games, their academics, health, and consequently life in general will improve phenomenally. But unfortunately they waste their invaluable time by becoming addict to TV!
The most telling effect of TV is on children’s health. Watching TV continuously for long hours affects the eyes, leading to poor eyesight. According to a research report by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, which was published on Circle magazine, people who watch TV for more than 4 hour a day have a higher risk (80%) of dying from heart disease compared with those who watch less than two hours.
While watching TV, children’s impressionable minds are vulnerable to the negative influences associated with improper, violent, vulgar content of some of the programs. It can weaken their moral and ethical values. A sound character is the first requirement for a healthy and happy life.
If TV has so many negative effects, we will have to devise some wise strategies for our children. Those strategies must ensure limited TV watching without negative effects. Regulated TV watching of our children is the best bet in this scenario. Limited channels; limited time are the sure ways to keep our children away from its negative effects on their body and mind.
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